
Showing posts from October, 2024

Healing Trauma By Going Within

A quick guide to jumpstart your healing journey Are events from your past torturing you? How can you stop it?* I wandered around my adult life bleeding profusely on those around me. This wounded behavior manifested itself through a wide range of undesirable behaviors. The root of my personal behavior, agreeable or disagreeable, stems from childhood. The seeds were planted during traumatic events in my childhood. Those seeds took root, sprouted, and is currently firmly planted in my adult life. Well it is time for healing of those traumatic events. The pain must be cut down at the root lest it sprouts again.  If this message resonates with you, download this FREE  ebook . Begin your life changing journey RIGHT NOW! Do you need help beginning your journey on social media?  Create with me.  Let's Start Now! The ELV8D Kosmic High Priestess Actively Aligned cannot be explained. Eternally devoted to her spiritual journey, she offers enlightenment where ignorance reigns and...