
The Weigh (The Way It Is)

Photo created by EnginEarMedia ( @enginearmedia ) I hope this message finds you well. This reassuring message was dropped in my spirit   by my higher self . The messages I receive are initially for me, but I am required to share with the public utilizing my various social platforms. S ome people do not consider the Bible a credible source given its many contradictions. I agree that the Bible has been tampered with by those who were in power. Tampering was a part of the ir   rouse. It is an attempt to fully discredit the Bible so we will abandon it completely . There are light codes hidden in the Script- ures . If l ife is a movie, should you not learn  the SCRIPT ?     As the acronym B.I.B.L.E., B asic I nstructions B efore L eaving E arth., proclaims, t he circumscribed books are compiled into   an instruction manual (early 15c. small service book used by a priest ) for navigation of earth realm. Let me add, it is the basics for thos...


Why Has She Been Bound? Scene from Agatha All Along Season 1, Episode 8 The p atriarch  has attempt ed to diminish and regulate the power of T he W ombman since before history was recorded . Unfortunately for them, The Wom bman is not the  species that requires regulation. Her reproductive system is most definitely not up for public discourse , yet there are laws and regulations about what actions she can and cannot perform with her own body. History has shown us that The Wombman is abhorred. Men hunted us, beheaded us, hanged us, and burned us for being wiser than them. The witch trials were all attacks against extraordinary W om bma n . Image from Foxe: Book Of Martyrs The witch trials were not unique to Salem. Germany, Spain , Sweden, England, and Scotland also hunted, persecuted, and or murdered The W om bm a n . Scotland had the highest execution rate . They also, like some other countries, passed an actual witchcraft act . It was not safe to be a single Wombman ...