The patriarch has attempted to diminish and regulate the power of The Wombman since before history was recorded. Unfortunately for them, The Wombman is not the species that requires regulation. Her reproductive system is most definitely not up for public discourse, yet there are laws and regulations about what actions she can and cannot perform with her own body. History has shown us that The Wombman is abhorred. Men hunted us, beheaded us, hanged us, and burned us for being wiser than them. The witch trials were all attacks against extraordinary Wombman.
The witch trials were not unique to Salem. Germany, Spain, Sweden, England, and Scotland also hunted, persecuted, and or murdered The Wombman. Scotland had the highest execution rate. They also, like some other countries, passed an actual witchcraft act. It was not safe to be a single Wombman or a widow during those times. You had to be under the guardianship of some male figure. Single Wombman were thought to be more susceptible to the devil's wiles than men. Wise women, Sybils, used to be revered for their gifts. How and why did the script flip?
The patriarch created laws to position themselves in the forefront. Why is that? Why has so much effort and funding been allocated to The Wombman's issues? They created laws that excluded and secluded The Wombman. These laws were created specifically by white men in power, but they eventually extended some of that power to the so-called black men. The Wombman was so despised that those same white men granted so-called black men the right to vote before their own white Wombman. The Wombman's suffrage movement eventually began. It was created to support the efforts of The Wombman desiring to vote. This movement was not only just in North America, but worldwide. All over the globe, The Wombman were demanding her rights.
1911 census protest in Scotland.
I believe the international movement was an answer to an internal call. A result of an innate metabolic wake up mechanism. We could no longer suffer the harm inflicted upon us by the patriarch. The time had come for us to enlighten other Wombman of her true power. The etymology of "suffrage" is prayer. I do not like the idea of praying and pleading with any entity for anything. The suffrage movement began in 1848 until it finally found remedy 1920. It took 72 years! What kind of shit is that?! Even the 19th amendment to their constitution did not grant voting rights to ALL Wombman. All that marching, protesting, lobbying and they could not even help a sister out? The so-called black Wombman played a key role in the suffrage movement, but had to create separate agencies from the white Wombman. They went on separate protests and marches. This was asinine. Two groups of Wombman heading separately in the same direction. The so called black Wombman were denied a voice with her own men and her own movement. Strange.. being how we are always deemed "loud". It appears that we had to be. How else were we to be heard over the white men, the so-called black men, and the white Wombman?
This leads to the controversial issues of The Wombman's reproductive system. I recently discovered abortion, which is now taboo, was a common procedure. During the 19th century, abortion was subtly advertised in newspapers. One in five Wombman had an abortion. So, if abortion was so common, why is it criminalized now?
The answer is money. Abortion services were offered by The Wombman. These Wombman were self-titled doctors who privately serviced other Wombman. The Wombman is aware of her bodily functions. It makes sense for us to govern our own bodies and assist other Wombman in governing their bodies as well. The doctor men folk did not take kindly to The Wombman folk cornering such a lucrative genre of the health market. Those men had no desire to help The Wombman, or they would have initiated acts of collaboration instead of domination. They were intent on controlling The Wombman because they had no control of her and were ignorant of her biological functions. The American Medical Association was created in 1847 with the primary goal of making abortion illegal. It was led by a man coined "the father of gynecology" Seriously? A coochie daddy huh? It makes absolutely no sense that a coochie-less person would be given such an esteemed title. I am almost positive that there was not one Wombman in the room when those men were circle jerking ignorant ideas around in a poorly ventilated room for an insane amount of time. They took the audacity to make decisions for all Wombman without consulting any. This baffles me. That same man was quoted, "We are the physical guardians of woman.." How? Why? Why not guard your own bodies and the bodies of other men folk? Why are we being guarded against our will? The patriarch believes The Wombman is some feeble creature. This amuses me on some level, but annoys me as well. Men have been adamant about the "protect and provide" bullshit for centuries, all while hurting us and taking from us. What were they guarding? Were they guarding The Wombman against danger, or were they guarding themselves against The Wombman because they were endangered?
All creatures are inherently aware that The Wombman is the most majestically magical being in the Universe. Her skin glows like the sun, and that pussy flows like the ocean. This is extremely true of The Melanated Wombman. No human vessel can enter this earth unless it is via The Wombman. You possess The Divine Portal to earth, Wombman. What an honor it is to be The Divine Vessel to birth anointed deities, royalty, ascended masters, trendsetters, chain breakers, and dynamic individuals into this plane. This is a power that a man will never possess. His only alternative was to study the innerworkings of The Wombman, by any means necessary. Then use his findings to establish dominance. The knowledge of The Wombman's anatomy gave the patriarchy some false sense of superiority. They gained this knowledge while denying The Wombman the opportunity to "officially" become an obstetrician. Even though she already possessed all the knowledge they sought. They created a field of medicine for The Wombman that excluded The Wombman as the actual doctors. If you have a male gynecologist, ask him why he chose that specific field. What series of events led him to be a coochie investigator?
So called black Wombman have been the subject of medical experiments since the 1800s or even longer. Henrietta Lacks is the most widely known atrocity committed by medicine. Of course, they herald it as their greatest achievement. They are still using her immortal cells, named HeLa Cells, to this day. They have produced a myriad of products, including the vaccines for polio and more recently, COVID 19. The use of Henrietta Lacks' cells was unknown to her family for quite a while. After decades, her descendants have finally received compensation. Henrietta Lacks is the only one we know of because she is the only one they mentioned. I am confident that there were more Wombman just like her that we will never know about. Much gratitude to our fallen Sisters for their sacrifice. The light shines on through us.
All this effort to abolish your sovereignty and establish the patriarchy. They recognized the power of The Wombman consequently illuminating their lack of. So, they had to take yours, Wombman. There is a dormant power lying inside of you, Wombman. It is known to everyone else but you, Wombman. Patriarchy seeks to destroy you, The Wombman. They fear the day that you realize who you are thus awakening your true power. He is terrified of that day, Wombman. Come Sisters, let us add to his terror. Awaken, recall your power, and arise Priestess.
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