The Weigh (The Way It Is)

Photo created by EnginEarMedia ( @enginearmedia ) I hope this message finds you well. This reassuring message was dropped in my spirit by my higher self . The messages I receive are initially for me, but I am required to share with the public utilizing my various social platforms. S ome people do not consider the Bible a credible source given its many contradictions. I agree that the Bible has been tampered with by those who were in power. Tampering was a part of the ir rouse. It is an attempt to fully discredit the Bible so we will abandon it completely . There are light codes hidden in the Script- ures . If l ife is a movie, should you not learn the SCRIPT ? As the acronym B.I.B.L.E., B asic I nstructions B efore L eaving E arth., proclaims, t he circumscribed books are compiled into an instruction manual (early 15c. small service book used by a priest ) for navigation of earth realm. Let me add, it is the basics for thos...